Friday, January 13, 2012


Oh yeah.  I remember now.  When I’m depressed I shop.  And don’t eat right and don’t exercise.  But I did join a gym, my heart is in the right place, now I just have to get the rest of me there.  I scared myself by finding out tonight I’ve gone up a size in pants and belts.  The gym wants me to come in for my free consultation to get measured and calculate my body mass index.  Honestly?  I don’t want to know.  I’ve been feeling worse and worse the last few months, so it’s not like I didn’t know.  Maybe I just didn’t care.   I’m glad my scale is in storage...

When I left my husband a few years ago, I actually lost too much weight.  Just from stress, got down below 120 pounds and to a size 6.  Wish I could figure out what I did then, I want to be able to wear my black Levi’s again, I still have all the ‘tiny’ clothes I bought in 2009.

I’m very good at shopping.  I’m not going to discuss everything I’ve bought lately, because it’s kind of scary.  I actually did get a few really good deals today.  The cheapest (and goofiest) was a set of Betsey Johnson blue glitter vinyl containers.  The one on the right is an iPad case :-)  I wandered aimlessly into Macy’s this evening and literally ran into them on the clearance table.  40% off, my favorite color, on Ipad case left and in my favorite color combination (I want a 50’s dinette set in this material so badly).  Not practical, the case is ill fitting and I love my normal case, but IT’S FREAKING BLUE GLITTER!!!  And... IT'S AN IPAD CASE!!!

 And I really like some of Betsey’s stuff, I’ve got a few of her fabulous skull jewels, and I know I’m secretly kicking myself for not buying the Punk Rock Skull Princess Hobo bag last year.

I had it in my hand at the Galleria, I almost bought it, I had the money, and I couldn’t justify it, now it’s gone everywhere and I regret it.  Oh well.

Mary and I made one reasonable purchase today, we were appliance shopping for the apartment to replace some missing/damaged things (like the oven and vent) and we found a Samsung dryer and the connection kit so they can be stacked to replace the side by side mismatched set in the kitchen so I can actually have a bit of cabinet space.  Her plumbers were kind enough to help us carry it inside, because it was clearance Lowe's wouldn't deliver it.

There is a dryer in the apartment, but it’s a tiny kitchen as you can see below.  We’d been trying to figure out whether they actually could be stacked, and stumbled into the Samsung rep at Lowe’s who gave us all the info we needed and directed us to an older floor model in the back that was already marked half off and we talked them out of another $70, yay us!

Goodnight, another early morning (no sleep, yay me!), have to look at paint samples and for more appliance bargains, we're trying to get as much work completed before February so I don't have to map for another month of storage.  And the Mardi Gras events begin in earnest at the beginning of February and finding handymen will be nearly impossible.


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